Metadata gateway. Deliverable D 5.3
This report documents the technological solution for the establishment of the Linked Heritage Metadata Gateway (Task 5.3). The service complements the project's technology platform (Task 5.1, Deliverable D5.1) offering the technical components necessary for metadata remediation and in particular for the delivery of metadata to Europeana (ESE/EDM compliant). Following the modeling requirements of WP2, WP3 and WP4 and, close collaboration with the Europeana Office ensures interoperability of the Linked Heritage Technology Platform with the Europeana Ingestion infrastructure and the Europeana portal. The Linked Heritage Metadata Gateway handles and remediates XML metadata for the execution of the ingestion plan and RDF resources for prototyping of semantic web-enabled metadata services.
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• Metadata, Technology platform, Interoperability, Europeana, RDF
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (D32) -- information technology and data processing (MT3236)