The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) versus the single Research Institution. Drawing the scenario at local level. Workshop on Open Science, Venice 4 September 2017
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) versus the single Research Institution. Drawing the scenario at local level. Workshop on Open Science, Venice 4 September 2017
The slides, realized in the seminar "The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) versus the single Research Institution. Drawing the scenario at local level" were presented and discussed during the "Workshop on Open Science" (Venice, 4 September 2017), organized by the University of Padova, the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, The University of Vienna.
The workshop was attended also by some members of the Italian Open Science Support Group (IOSSG).
Bianchi , Elena (Author)
Budroni, Paolo (Author)
Celentano, Augusto (Author)
Occioni, Marisol (Author)
Toniolo, Sandra (Author)
Vedaldi, Maurizio (Author)
Zane, Antonella (Author)
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Biblioteca Digitale di Ateneo (Digitiser)
4 September 2017
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• European Open Science Cloud ; EOSC ; Data Management Plan ; DMP ; Data Stewardship ; Cross discipline services ; Research Support Infrastructure ; Research Community ; Research Data Management ; RDM ; bottom-up process ; Learn Project ; IOSSG ; scientific data ; digital workflow ; Research Institution ; Governance Layer ; Service Layer ; Data Layer ; Trust ensuring processes ; RDM Policies ; Single Point of Reference ; Single Point of Entry ; FAIR principles ; Good Governance ; Web-based thinking ; Rules of engagement