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Università degli Studi di Padova

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Aimes-tu le français? Percezione dello studio obbligatorio del francese nella scuola media

Aimes-tu le français? Percezione dello studio obbligatorio del francese nella scuola media


This survey aims to highlight Italian Middle School student’s personal perceptions of the study of French.
In the Italian School System, English is a compulsory subject from first year of Primary School to last year of Secondary School. This has led students to perceive English as a useful, essential language to learn – a perception also confirmed by the media – placing other languages in a secondary position.
The minor role attributed to other languages often results in insufficient motivation to learn them because they are seen as less useful and less interesting.


Caon, Fabio (Author)


Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing




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• Caon, Fabio, Aimes-tu le français? Percezione dello studio obbligatorio del francese nella scuola media. Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing, 2012-11-01.


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Edizioni Ca' Foscari