Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe
Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe
The volume contains a reassessment of the economic and social impact of the printing revolution on the development of early modern European society, using 15th-century printed books, which still survive today in their thousands, as historical sources. Papers on production, trade, the cost of books in comparison with the cost of living, literacy, the transmission of texts in print, and the use and circulation of books and illustration are the result of several years of international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary research coordinated by the 15cBOOKTRADE project funded by an ERC Consolidator grant (2014-2019) and supported by the Consortium of European Research Libraries.
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• Provenance research. Francesco Platone de’ Benedetti. CERL. Donatus. Textual transmission. European Research Council. Trade. 16thcentury. Vespasiano da Bisticci. Semantic web. History of the book. Ferrara. Marciana National Library. Medical texts. Transport. Johannes Crastonus. Venetian Republic. Notes of ownership. Suppression of religious houses. British Library. Libraries. Images. Third Census. History of consumption. Corpus iuris civilis. Catalonia. Provenance. Pio. Benedictines. Victor Masséna. Rubrication. Aldus Manutius. Provenance marks. MEI. Xylography. National Library of Israel. Legal texts. Mainz. Digital Humanities. GIS. Fragments. Reading practices. Edition copies. Lombardy. Image-matching. Booktrade. LOD. Nicolas Jenson. Linked Open Data. Johann Gutenberg. Book Illustration. Duc de Rivoli. Marks in books. Bartolomeo Lupoto. Bessarion. 15th Century Booktrade. Early modern book history. Book History. Subiaco. Bottom-up research. Wages. Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. European Research Area. Early Greek printing. Books trade. Printing. Reformation. Prices. ISTC. Short Title. Cost of living. Illumination. Printed Books. Illustration. Renaissance. Incunables. Theology. Law books. Historical Collections. History of Data. Woodcut illustration. Commercial strategies. History of Universities. Incunabula. Emanuel Chrysoloras. Family expense. 15th-century printing. Franz Renner. Polonsky Foundation. Gutenberg Bible. Bibliography. Fairs. Early library catalogues. Road infrastructure. Owners. Data Provenance. Legal history. Estense. Francesco De Madiis. Rome National Central Library. Library arrangement. Wheat. Catholic Church. Books. American Special Collections Libraries. Manuscript. Ars minor. Ius commune. Early modern book prices. Data Archaeology. Bonus Accursius. Research excellence. 15th century. Aesopus. Costs. CRELEB. Venice. Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Material culture. Book trade. Scholarly network. Padua. Books of the 15th Century. Materia medica. Second Census. Scholarly book. Private libraries. Frederick Goff. Printed images. Psalterium. Illuminators. History of Lithuania. Libreria di San Marco. Digital humanities. Erotemata. European identity. Bookselling. Prince d’Essling. Bartolus de Saxoferrato. Wine. Data Visualisation. Decoration. Constantinus Lascaris. Bologna. Deeds of sale. Margaret Bingham Stillwell. Purchasing power. Visual image search. Manual image annotation. Handwritten inscriptions. Barcelona. Hebrew incunabula. Early-Modern Printed Book. Memmingen. Laonicus & Alexander. Book-making. Hand-illumination. Consumer prices. Inventory of Books. Printing medicine. Bookbinding. Binding waste.