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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Digital collections

Descriptions of the Botanical Garden in Padua over time

Descriptions of the Botanical Garden in Padua over time


A collection of descriptions, guides and reports that offers a portrait of the Botanical Garden through the centuries. From the earliest technical drawing of the layout and list of the plants cultivated in the Garden (1590), to reports on its work during the Great War, this virtual itinerary features a range of sources, including historical guides to the city, the university and the Botanical Garden itself, plus illustrative prints and vintage photographs.


Biblioteca dell'Orto Botanico di Padova (Editor of compilation)


Padova, XVI-XX secolo


• Padova botanical garden guides

Object languages:



• Digitale-PUV46-Descrizioni-Orto-botanico-Padova