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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Digital collections

Virtual Learning Environment. Deliverable D 7.4

Virtual Learning Environment. Deliverable D 7.4


The present Deliverable describes the approach taken by the University of Padua to deliver Training content and sessions to the users, as stated in the Description of Work-Annex 1 "In addition, users will be able to perform training sessions also through a Virtual Learning Environment developed specifically for this project by means of open source tools (i.e. Moodle, Sakai)."
In addition, it may be noted that this D7.4 Virtual Learning Environment (focused on the web platform which hosts the Syllabus) is complementary to D7.3 Training materials (which focuses on the content of the Syllabus). Both the Deliverables are released by the University of Padua on behalf of the Linked Heritage project at Month 24, as stated in the Description of Work (Annex I)


Zane, Antonella (Author)
Bianchi, Elena (Author)




application/pdf (2.58 MB)


• Leorning objects, Training, Moodle
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (D32) -- education (MT3206)

Object languages:



• Zane, Antonella, et al., Virtual Learning Environment, 29 p. .


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Italy License.

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