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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Digital collections

Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale. Vol. 53 – Giugno 2017

Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale. Vol. 53 – Giugno 2017



Medietà e facilitazione
Note a margine di alcune fonti arabe islamiche contemporanee
Ida Zilio-Grandi

Language, Power and Democracy in Othello, Translated into Egyptian Dialect by Moustapha Safouan: a Realistic, Utopian or Dystopian Challenge?
Nadia Bovino

Surveying Georgia’s Past
On The Use Of Cartographic Sources For Caucasian History
Patrizia Licini

On the Kabīsa of the Saffarid Amīr Khalaf ibn Aḥmad
Simone Cristoforetti

Literary Mirrors and the Reconstruction of the Holy Places of Shiism in Nawabi Lucknow
A Few Topological Asides from Qatīl to Ghālib
Stefano Pellò

Who Are the lokāyatika brāhmaṇas?
Ramkrishna Bhattacharya

Rājasthānī Features in Medieval Braj Prose Texts
The Case of Differential Object Marking and Verbal Agreement in Perfective Clauses
Andrea Drocco

La bellezza che porta all’eccesso (yin li 淫麗)
Utilizzo e rilettura del giudizio critico di Yang Xiong nei confronti della poesia rapsodica durante il primo medioevo cinese (220-598)
Giulia Baccini

Mapping Ideology in Language
Han Dong’s Zha gen (Banished!) and Ma Jian’s Rou zhi tu (Beijing Coma)
Martina Codeluppi

Orientamento semantico degli avverbi 就 jiù e 才 cái negli enunciati cinesi contenenti quantificazioni
Magda Abbiati

Urbanizzazione e sostenibilità in Cina
Verso un cambiamento trasformativo?
Daniele Brombal

Multiple Layers of Transmission
Gasan Jōseki and the Goi Doctrine in the Medieval Sōtō school
Marta Sanvido

Practical Studies in Japanese Language Education
A Report about Action Research Zero Workshop in Venice (Italy)
Marcella Mariotti, Noriko Ichishima

対話をするために必要なもの ―
Transcript of the Conference In search for dialogue:
Theoretical frameworks for Workshop Zero (September 19th, 2016)
Hosokawa Hideo

Gilman, Sander L. (2014). Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Collaboration and Conflict in the Age of Diaspora. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 194 pp.
Dario Miccoli

Reske, Katka (2013). Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland. Brighton (MA): Academic Studies Press, 230 pp.
Giorgia Foscarini

Ossama, Bahaa Ed-Din (2015). Kilma Hilwa: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic through Songs. Intermediate Level. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 229 pp.
Andrea Facchin

Harowtʿyownyan (Haroutyunian), Sona (2005). Hayocʿ cʿełaspanowtʿyan tʿeman italakan grakanowtʿyan meȷ̌ (Il tema del genocidio armeno
nella letteratura italiana). Erevan: EPH Hratarakčʿowtʿyown, 128 pp.
Alessandro Orengo


Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing




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• Lingue e culture del Medio ed Estremo Oriente

Object languages:

Italian, English, Japanese


• Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale. Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing, 2017-06-20, 399 p.


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Edizioni Ca' Foscari