The Archive “Carte del Contemporaneo”

The archive "Carte del Contemporaneo" of Ca’ Foscari Universitry, planned by Francesco Bruni and Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, was founded in 2006 with the aim of accommodating by donation, cataloging and promoting legacies of contemporary authors from the Veneto area.
Between 2006 and 2011, the Archive, located in the Centro Universitario di Studi Veneti (CISVe), acquired the papers of Ernesto Calzavara, Pier Maria Pasinetti, Armando Pizzinato and Carlo della Corte.
The Fonds “Ernesto Calzavara” (Treviso, 1907–Stra, 2000) was donated in March 2004 by the heirs, his grandson Marco Calzavara and his wife Pervinca Rizzo. It is a collection of the poet’s papers, and it is composed of letters, handwritten notes, autographs, poem variants, photos, a large collection of reviews and newspaper articles, critical studies and essays, making a total of 6567 documents.

The Fonds “P.M. Pasinetti” (Venice, 1913–2006) was donated in 2006 by the writer’s Venetian heirs Loredana Balboni and Anna Ponti, and the American ones, Murtha Baca, Francesca Santovetti and Giovanna Zamboni Paulis. It is a collection of a rich Italian and international correspondence, pamphlets and drafts of novels with variations, lectures and critical writings regarding his university teaching at the Los Angeles UCLA, articles for Italian and American newspapers; it also includes a photos collection (4,000 pieces, including photos, plates and negatives), about forty recordings and coils documenting a part of PM Pasinetti activity for the cinema and television. Among the materials kept in the CISVe very important ones are those related to Francesco Pasinetti (1911–1949), brother of Pier Maria, co-founder of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome.

The Fonds “Armando Pizzinato” (Maniago, 1910–Venice, 2004), was donated in part by his daughter, Patrizia in April 2007, and in part by Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann in June 2009. It contains, in addition to correspondence with artists and intellectuals of the Twentieth century, some sketches, schemes for the preparations of the exhibitions, conference notes and critical studies, study’s materials for his catalogues, volumes and a rich variety of exhibitions’ folding-invitations, for a total of about 4,500 documents.

The Fonds “Carlo della Corte” (Venice, 1930–2000) was donated by his son Paul on 28th February 2011. It includes a valuable correspondence with the protagonists of the intellectual, literary, journalistic and Italian film, unedited works and pamphlets concerning poetry, fiction and criticism (including studies on science fiction and comics) making a total of 2,300 documents.
The archival materials digitization project, designed and set up by the current CISVe director, Eugenio Burgio, provides for the creation of digital collections aimed at the scientific use of the various fonds documentary materials.
The job of creating digital collections of archival materials, begun in 2014, is still in progress.