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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Digital collections

Geocoded digital cultural content

Geocoded digital cultural content


Geographic location is one of the most important attribute of any cultural heritage item. It can describe provenience, the current institution, the location of the event or other related locations. The present study investigates the possibilities and approaches regarding the use of e-infrastructure in geocoded digital culture. The first part introduced concepts and frameworks of GCC and summarizes the
“state of the art” of the geocoded digital culture in digital libraries, architectural/archaeologic l heritage, movable and
intangible heritage, cultural tourism, and social networking. The experimental part of the study is Testing of Geoparsing of GCC. Geoparsing is the process of assigning geographic coordinates to textual words and phrases. The results of the testing prove that the geoparsing method is a very effective method for assigning geographic coordinates automatically.

web version


Zakrajsek, Franc (Author)
Vodeb, Vlasta (Author)


Linked Heritage




application/pdf (2.67 MB)


• Geocoding methods, GIS, Geographic location, E-infrastructure, Geoparsing, INDICATE
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (D32) -- information and information processing (MT3231)

Object languages:



• Zakrajsek, Franc , et al., Geocoded digital cultural content, Linked Heritage, 2013-05-01, 65 p..


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