Linked Heritage Technology Platform. Deliverable 5.1
This document reports on deliverable D5.1 (Prototype, Public) “Linked Heritage Technology Platform”, that is made available online for validation and for the large-scale contribution of content to Europeana (in WP6) and for dissemination & training (WP7). The technology team led by NTUA integrated all the necessary components into a common technology platform, starting from the basis of the ATHENA ingestion server. The Linked Heritage Technology Platform provides content holders with the ability to perform in an efficient way the required mapping of their own metadata schemas to the project's reference metadata schema, as well as their publication to Europeana. It is based on NTUA's metadata interoperability platform MINT, that follows a typical web-based architecture offering an expanding set of services for metadata aggregation and remediation. It addresses the ingestion of metadata from multiple sources, the mapping of the imported records to a well-defined machine-understandable reference model, the transformation and storage of the metadata in a repository, and the provision of services that consume, process and remediate these metadata.
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• Technology Platform, MINT, Metadata schema, Interoperability, Aggregation, Remediation
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (D32) -- information technology and data processing (MT3236)