Documented APIs. Deliverable D 5.2
This report documents a set of application programming interfaces offering a simple and structured way to access the aggregation functionalities and repository capabilities of the Linked Heritage technology platform. A set of read access interfaces allows external systems to programmatically search and retrieve user and organization profiles, mapping files, reports and other data from the system. Write capabilities enable external systems to dynamically add new content as well as perform operations on existing datasets. The architecture design is based on predominant models such as REST and, standard wire-level protocols such as the AMPQ, in an effort to adopt existing tools and technologies that facilitate interoperability with external systems. Data exchange is following open standards such as XML, JSON, RSS and the Atom Publishing Protocol to allow developers to get up to speed quickly and reuse existing solutions.
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• Technology platform, Mapping, Interoperability, Data exchange
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (D32) -- information technology and data processing (MT3236)