'Peregrinatio animae': Cartographic Spaces and Epistemological Debates in the Franco-Italian 'Huon d'Auvergne'
'Peregrinatio animae': Cartographic Spaces and Epistemological Debates in the Franco-Italian 'Huon d'Auvergne'
This essay proposes an interpretation of the mercantile and spiritual spaces in the Franco-Italian Huon d’Auvergne romance-epic while referencing fourteenth-century cartographic principles. Central to this reading is the scholastic refashioning of the Dantean Limbo model in the Huon epic. Here, Ptolemy oversees a congregation of Sorbonne professors, depicted as ancient authorities, who are condemned to futile debate and instructing unruly students. This discussion proposes an interpretation that links the epic’s criticism of Aristotelianism and scientific inquiry to the representations of mercantile (portulan charts) and symbolic (mappae mundi) cartographic contours.
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari dell'Università degli sudi di PadovaData:
application/pdf (1.08 MB)
• Dewey Decimal Classification -- Literature & rhetoric (800) -- Literatures of Romance languages (840) -- French speeches (845)
• Dewey Decimal Classification -- Language (400) -- Romance languages; French (440)
• Dewey Decimal Classification -- Language (400) -- Italian, Romanian & related languages (450)