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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Collezioni digitali

Language, Gender and Hate Speech. A Multidisciplinary Approach

Language, Gender and Hate Speech. A Multidisciplinary Approach


Gender, language and hate speech: Are these concepts unrelated to each other, or is it possible to find a common research thread that allows us to understand them as two aspects of the same social phenomenon?
This is the question to which the book aims to give an answer, through the support of experts and scholars in the areas of Linguistics, Education, Sociology, Legal and Political Studies.
The volume collects some of the papers presented at the LIGHTS (Gender equality and hate words / Language gender and HaTe Speech) conference, held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on October 2018, which represented a significant moment of discussion and confrontation on the power of language for the maintenance or, hopefully, the deconstruction of social and political stereotypes.


Giusti, Giuliana (Curatore)
Iannàccaro, Gabriele (Curatore)


Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing




application/pdf (3.05 MB)


• Politeness Formulas. Gender equality. Gender-Specific Swear Words. Gender Perception. Gender Studies. Human rights. Media. Gendered Hate Speech. Woman. Violence. Gender-Inclusive Language. Italian Sociolinguistics. Hate Speech. Gender resolution. Nouns of occupations. Multimodal analysis. Inclusive language. Women. Feminisation. Media language. Repetition. Freedom of speech. Free Speech. Algerian press. Corpus linguistics. Discrimination. Politics. Reduction. Algerian French. Corpus Linguistics. Hate Crimes. Text Analysis. Brexit. Italian Language and Linguistics. Internet Regulation. Sexism. Language emancipation. CDA. Italian Morphology. CMC. Conservativeness. Gender Representation. Jurisdiction. Feminization. Recipient. Criminalization in Italy. Linguistic sexism. Language and gender. VAWG. Authority. Ciao. Innovativeness. Grammatical gender. Political speech. Homonationalism. Misogyny. WhatsApp Communication. Gender. Italy. LGBTQ+. Interaction. Feminine Job Titles. Stereotypes. Female Voters. Sexist Language. Gender Stereotypes. Spoken Communication. Hate speech. Survey Methods. EU Legislation. Council of Europe. Global Media Monitoring Project. Topic modelling.




• Language, Gender and Hate Speech. Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing, 2020-12-29.


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