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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Collezioni digitali

JoLMA. Vol. 4, n. 1 - Giugno 2023. Unframing/Reframing in the Contemporary Visual, Performing, and Media Arts

JoLMA. Vol. 4, n. 1 - Giugno 2023. Unframing/Reframing in the Contemporary Visual, Performing, and Media Arts


Over the last two decades, the notion of the frame has been radically challenged in the visual, performing, and media arts, particularly as a consequence of the introduction of two mutually related concepts: ‘unframing’ and ‘reframing’. While the first refers to the gesture of ideally getting rid of any framing device, the second offers alternative ways to contextualise objects, acts, and images in time and space.
This issue of JoLMA proposes to examine the concepts of unframing and reframing from the interdisciplinary perspective of visual art, performance, and media studies, by following both a theoretical and a practice-based approach.
The entanglement of theory and practice becomes crucial when an attempt is made to introduce new epistemological standpoints.
Table of Contents:


Cristina Baldacci, Pietro Conte, Susanne Franco

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
A Conversation on Framing and Reframing
Mieke Bal, Cristina Baldacci, Pietro Conte, Susanne Franco

Reframing Second-Wave Feminism Through Fashion Industry and Augmented Reality
Recent Trends in Judy Chicago’s Work
Margherita Fontana

Framing Humans for AI
Gabriella Giannachi

Camille Henrot’s Grosse Fatigue
The Frame as an Ordering Element of Hyper-Enactment
Stefano Mudu

Differences Between Single and Sequential Pictorial Storytelling
Hannah Fasnacht

Framing the Unframed: Avalanche, an Art Magazine
Tancredi Gusman

The Image in a Vat?
Michele Di Monte


Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press




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• Grosse Fatigue • Judy Chicago • Image • Interpretation • Art of the 1960s and 1970s • Re-enactment • Sequential Images • Picture Thresholds • Hyper-enactment • Art theory • ChatGPT • Artists’ magazines • Framing in art • Re-framing • Training humans • Desktop documentary • Art • Narration • Contemporary art • Art Ontology • Art magazines • Camille Henrot • AI • Single Images • Human-machine entanglement • Feminist art • Frame • Fictional Worlds • Reframing • Virtual Reality • Framing • Visual Culture Studies • Avalanche magazine • Pictorial Storytelling • Augmented reality • Conversation • Storytelling


Inglese, Italiano


• JoLMA. Vol. 4, n. 1 - Giugno 2023. Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press, 2023-09-25, 139 p.


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Edizioni Ca' Foscari