EXIF Viewer for the Object o:268305
Application Record Version | 0 |
Caption-Abstract | 15 - Left |
Application Record Version | 0 |
Caption-Abstract | 15 - Left |
Subfile Type | Full-resolution Image |
Image Width | 9748 |
Image Height | 6978 |
Bits Per Sample | 8 8 8 |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Photometric Interpretation | RGB |
Image Description | 15 - Left |
Make | i2S, Corp. |
Camera Model Name | SupraScanII [SN: 313901] - Cam7600RGB [SN: 313901] |
Strip Offsets | 25034 |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Samples Per Pixel | 3 |
Rows Per Strip | 6978 |
Strip Byte Counts | 204064632 |
X Resolution | 400 |
Y Resolution | 400 |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Software | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
Modify Date | 2015:05:10 12:35:45 |
Color Space | Uncalibrated |
Exif Image Width | 9748 |
Exif Image Height | 6978 |
IPTC Digest | ef786a920a414cea8a1525f6112ed731 |
X Resolution | 400 |
Displayed Units X | inches |
Y Resolution | 400 |
Displayed Units Y | inches |
Global Angle | 30 |
Global Altitude | 30 |
Copyright Flag | False |
Photoshop Thumbnail | (Binary data 5.36 kilobytes) |
Profile CMM Type | KCMS |
Profile Version | 2.1.0 |
Profile Class | Display Device Profile |
Color Space Data | RGB |
Profile Connection Space | XYZ |
Profile Date Time | 1998:12:01 18:58:21 |
Profile File Signature | acsp |
Primary Platform | Microsoft Corporation |
CMM Flags | Not Embedded, Independent |
Device Manufacturer | KODA |
Device Model | ROMM |
Device Attributes | Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color |
Rendering Intent | Media-Relative Colorimetric |
Connection Space Illuminant | 0.9642 1 0.82487 |
Profile Creator | KODA |
Profile ID | 0 |
Profile Copyright | Copyright (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, all rights reserved. |
Profile Description | ProPhoto RGB |
Media White Point | 0.9642 1 0.82489 |
Red Tone Reproduction Curve | (Binary data 14.00 bytes) |
Green Tone Reproduction Curve | (Binary data 14.00 bytes) |
Blue Tone Reproduction Curve | (Binary data 14.00 bytes) |
Red Matrix Column | 0.79767 0.28804 0 |
Green Matrix Column | 0.13519 0.71188 0 |
Blue Matrix Column | 0.03134 9e-05 0.82491 |
Device Mfg Desc | KODAK |
Device Model Desc | Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM) |
Make And Model | (Binary data 40.00 bytes) |
File Name | o_268305+OCTETS+OCTETS.0 |
File Size | 195 MB |
File Modification Date/Time | 2016:09:09 10:39:58+02:00 |
File Permissions | rw-r--r-- |
File Type | TIFF |
MIME Type | image/tiff |
Exif Byte Order | Little-endian (Intel, II) |
Current IPTC Digest | ab64a20fee9aae6a54d4ca646091b3a5 |
ExifTool Version Number | 8.60 |
XMP Toolkit | Adobe XMP Core 4.1-c036 46.276720, Mon Feb 19 2007 22:40:08 |
Creator Tool | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
Modify Date | 2015:05:10 12:35:45+02:00 |
Create Date | 2015:04:28 23:27+02:00 |
Metadata Date | 2015:05:10 12:35:45+02:00 |
Image Width | 9748 |
Image Height | 6978 |
Bits Per Sample | 8, 8, 8 |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Photometric Interpretation | RGB |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Samples Per Pixel | 3 |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
X Resolution | 400 |
Y Resolution | 400 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Make | i2S, Corp. |
Camera Model Name | SupraScanII [SN: 313901] - Cam7600RGB [SN: 313901] |
Native Digest | 256,257,258,259,262,274,277,284,530,531,282,283,296,301,318,319,529,532,306,270,271,272,305,315,33432;268C9E931C1DF42EB5D5445CF79A482F |
Format | image/tiff |
Description | 15 - Left |
Color Mode | RGB |
ICC Profile Name | ProPhoto RGB |
Instance ID | uuid:7BA46A4C00F7E41188B0EF05103A2BDA |
Document ID | xmp.did:FAB05BBA44EEE411A977B291EA9A685A |
Original Document ID | xmp.did:FAB05BBA44EEE411A977B291EA9A685A |
History Action | created |
History Instance ID | xmp.iid:FAB05BBA44EEE411A977B291EA9A685A |
History When | 2015:04:29 09:53:17+02:00 |
History Software Agent | Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows |
Exif Image Width | 9748 |
Exif Image Height | 6978 |
Color Space | Unknown (-1) |
Native Digest | 36864,40960,40961,37121,37122,40962,40963,37510,40964,36867,36868,33434,33437,34850,34852,34855,34856,37377,37378,37379,37380,37381,37382,37383,37384,37385,37386,37396,41483,41484,41486,41487,41488,41492,41493,41495,41728,41729,41730,41985,41986,41987,41988,41989,41990,41991,41992,41993,41994,41995,41996,42016,0,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,30;CF680BD21126FD679125A071D5B6A3BB |