EXIF Viewer for the Object o:452679
Megapixels | 1.2 |
IPTC Digest | 00000000000000000000000000000000 |
X Resolution | 600 |
Displayed Units X | inches |
Y Resolution | 600 |
Displayed Units Y | inches |
Print Style | Centered |
Print Position | 0 0 |
Print Scale | 1 |
Global Angle | 30 |
Global Altitude | 30 |
Slices Group Name | Toso Rodinis002 |
Num Slices | 1 |
Pixel Aspect Ratio | 1 |
Photoshop Thumbnail | (Binary data 4.34 kilobytes) |
Has Real Merged Data | Yes |
Writer Name | Adobe Photoshop |
Reader Name | Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 |
Photoshop Quality | 10 |
Photoshop Format | Progressive |
Progressive Scans | 3 Scans |
Image Width | 963 |
Image Height | 1206 |
Bits Per Sample | 8 8 8 |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Photometric Interpretation | RGB |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Samples Per Pixel | 3 |
X Resolution | 600 |
Y Resolution | 600 |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Software | Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows |
Modify Date | 2020:01:19 16:41:56 |
Color Space | Uncalibrated |
Exif Image Width | 963 |
Exif Image Height | 1206 |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
X Resolution | 72 |
Y Resolution | 72 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Thumbnail Offset | 406 |
Thumbnail Length | 4442 |
Thumbnail Image | (Binary data 4.34 kilobytes) |
ExifTool Version Number | 10.55 |
XMP Toolkit | Adobe XMP Core 5.0-c061 64.140949, 2010/12/07-10:57:01 |
Create Date | 2020:01:17 11:13:13+01:00 |
Modify Date | 2020:01:19 16:41:56+01:00 |
Metadata Date | 2020:01:19 16:41:56+01:00 |
Format | image/jpeg |
Color Mode | RGB |
Instance ID | xmp.iid:B7E05A39D23AEA11820FB1954BC8AF0C |
Document ID | xmp.did:B6E05A39D23AEA11820FB1954BC8AF0C |
Original Document ID | xmp.did:B6E05A39D23AEA11820FB1954BC8AF0C |
History Action | created, converted, saved |
History Instance ID | xmp.iid:B6E05A39D23AEA11820FB1954BC8AF0C, xmp.iid:B7E05A39D23AEA11820FB1954BC8AF0C |
History When | 2020:01:17 11:13:13+01:00, 2020:01:19 16:41:56+01:00 |
History Software Agent | Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows |
History Parameters | from image/tiff to image/jpeg |
History Changed | / |
DCT Encode Version | 100 |
APP14 Flags 0 | [14] |
APP14 Flags 1 | (none) |
Color Transform | YCbCr |
File Name | o_452679+OCTETS+OCTETS.0 |
File Size | 508 kB |
File Modification Date/Time | 2021:02:25 12:05:38+01:00 |
File Access Date/Time | 2021:02:25 12:05:38+01:00 |
File Inode Change Date/Time | 2021:02:25 12:05:38+01:00 |
File Permissions | rw-r--r-- |
File Type | JPEG |
File Type Extension | jpg |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
Exif Byte Order | Little-endian (Intel, II) |
Image Width | 963 |
Image Height | 1206 |
Encoding Process | Progressive DCT, Huffman coding |
Bits Per Sample | 8 |
Color Components | 3 |
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling | YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1) |