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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Collezioni digitali

Technical Guidelines for Digital Cultural Content Creation Programmes. Version 2.0: September 2008

Technical Guidelines for Digital Cultural Content Creation Programmes. Version 2.0: September 2008


These Technical Guidelines have been prepared for the MINERVA project in the context of a series of European and national initiatives in recent years to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable. The broader context is the European Commission’s i2010 Digital Libraries initiative, which has as one of its objectives the creation of a European Digital Library aiming to make millions of digital objects easily accessible to all European citizens.
This document is intended as a resource for policy-makers, for those implementing funding programmes for the creation of digital cultural content and for those managing digitisation projects. Based on a life-cycle approach to the digitisation process, it seeks to provide guidelines for the use of technical standards and identifies areas where there is already a commonality of approach.


Fernie, Kate (Autore)
Dawson, David (Autore)
De Francesco, Giuliana (Autore)




application/pdf (448.54 kB)


• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCAZIONE ET COMUNICAZIONE (D32) -- informazione ed elaborazione dell'informazione (MT3231)




• Fernie, Kate, et al., Technical Guidelines for Digital Cultural Content Creation Programmes, 94 p..


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