Guidelines and Best Practices for Setting up National Co-operation Frameworks. Annex 1: Analysis of the Europeana and Athena Survey for Aggregators.
Guidelines and Best Practices for Setting up National Co-operation Frameworks. Annex 1: Analysis of the Europeana and Athena Survey for Aggregators.
This report is a result of a joint work carried out by ATHENA and Europeana. Both projects worked together to recover information on aggregators for their own purposes
but also for harmonising the respective content strategies and avoid overlapping and
duplication of the efforts.
The Survey for Aggregators was also a fundamental background document for the compilation of this report, since they are the realisation of effective cooperation strategies among memory institutions.
Piccininno, Marzia (Autore)
Vassallo, Valentina (Autore)
Friberg,, Annette (Autore)
Collier, Mel (Autore)
application/pdf (344.99 kB)
• EuroVoc 4.2 -- EDUCAZIONE ET COMUNICAZIONE (D32) -- informazione ed elaborazione dell'informazione (MT3231)
• Piccininno, Marzia, et al., Guidelines and Best Practices for Setting up National Co-operation Frameworks, 36 p..