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Università degli Studi di Padova

PHAIDRA – Collezioni digitali

Sostenibilart. Ambassadors of Sustainability

Sostenibilart. Ambassadors of Sustainability


The project Sostenibilart aims to raise awareness on a crucial issue, such as the sustainability of all our activities on the planet, and together to ‘educate’ concretely, through art, sustainability in a broad sense, inspiring and promoting actions.
The idea is powerful and understandable: to encourage, in the current international scene, artists of significant standing to become ‘Ambassadors of Sustainability’, contributing with their works to promote a greater and more active awareness of environmental respect, the non-dissipative use of the planetary resources, multiethnic and multigenerational sharing.


Griaznova, Lydia (Curatore)
Redaelli, Maria (Curatore)


Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press




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• Sostenibilart. Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press, 2022-12-19, 116 p.


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Edizioni Ca' Foscari