Third mission and Citizen science, new roles for Research Libraries on the way to Open Science. Workshop
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Third mission and Citizen science, new roles for Research Libraries on the way to Open Science. Workshop
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The workshop, promoted and organized by the University of Padova Library Center, was held on September 17th, 2018 at the Padua Botanical Garden Auditorium.
The TOPIC OF THE WORKSHOP is the role of Academic Libraries in the framework of the Third mission and Citizen science to promote awareness and participation of libraries so that this dimension becomes part of the University library systems’ mission.
The Third mission, also defined as knowledge transfer, community service and third stream in English-speaking countries, has been important in Italian universities in contributing to society’s social, cultural and economic development and in creating interactions between academia and the territory.
This dimension is expressed through a series of activities which are mainly related to the strategic areas of “Technology Transfer and Employment” and “Public Commitment and Valorisation of cultural heritage”.
The so-called Citizen science, namely the activities and projects which involve citizen volunteers in the collection and analysis of data in collaboration with scientists and scientific institutions, is also included in the Third mission.
10.00 – 10.30 Registration and Welcome Coffee
10.30 – 10.45 Opening and Welcome Address
Giovanna Valenzano (Vice Rector for Artistic Heritage, Museums and Libraries)
Chair: Paolo Budroni (University of Vienna, E-IRG Austrian National Delegate)
10.45 – 11.00 The European Open Science Cloud - the Austrian experience
Stefan Hanslik (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research)
11.00– 11.15 Navigare alla cieca. La Terza Missione fra retorica pubblica, autorappresentazione accademica e innovazione culturale
Roberto Balzani (University of Bologna)
11.15 - 11.30 Condividere con il pubblico il frutto della collaborazione internazionale delle biblioteche: Printing Revolution 1450-1500. I cinquant’anni che hanno cambiato l’Europa (Venezia, Museo Correr e Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 1 Settembre 2018 – 7 Gennaio 2019)
Cristina Dondi (University of Oxford)
11.30– 11.45 Che ci azzeccano le biblioteche accademiche con la Terza missione?
Maurizio Vedaldi (University of Padova)
11.45 – 12.00 È possibile misurare il contributo delle biblioteche alla terza missione? Evidenze dal progetto Good Practice
Deborah Agostino (Politecnico Milano)
12.00– 12.15 Le biblioteche (digitali) come strumento per la diffusione dei risultati della ricerca
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio (Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e le Culture Digitali - AIUCD)
12.15 – 13.15 Experiences compared
Biblioteche e terza missione. Le esperienze dell'Università di Bologna
Serafina Spinelli (University Library System of Bologna)
Il Sistema Bibliotecario dell'Ateneo di Firenze e la terza missione: il caso della mostra "Tesori inesplorati"
Laura Vannucci (University Library System of Firenze)
Philosophy and Children. Ricerca e laboratori per bambini in una biblioteca universitaria
Caterina Fortarezza e Luana Varalta (University Library System of Milano)
Valorizzazione dei beni culturali e apertura al territorio. Il percorso del Sistema Bibliotecario dell'Ateneo di Padova
Lorisa Andreoli (University Library System of Padova)
Il patrimonio e le competenze delle biblioteche universitarie per la società
Adriana Magarotto (University Library System of Roma "La Sapienza")
13.15 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 14.30 Round table
14.30 – 14.45 Q&A
14.45 – 15.00 Conclusions: Paolo Budroni
• Third missione, Citizen science, Open Science, Research Libraries, Padua Botanical Garden